Are you having trouble paying your mortgage? You may have options! There are programs that can help and you may qualify for up to $50,000 to assist with your mortgage.
Second Baptist Church Laymen's ministry presents a workshop on "How to Create Generational Black Wealth" Series #2 with panel speakers Allen Shelton of Realty One Group, Diana Dikes of ML Mortgage, Reba Labat of American Family Insurance, Kathy Freeman of Neighborhood Housing Services of Southern Nevada, Ashley Robinson of Stewart Title Company, and Probate Attorney …
Come and get certified with NHSSN for the WISH Down Payment Assistance Program! Learn about: Minimum Down with Maximum Match $$$ Owner Occupied 5 year Affordability Period No FICO Score Required Join us at Old Republic Title Company - Register at Eventbrite
Todo lo que necesitas saber sobre el proceso de compra de viviendas: Como obtener una precalificación de un prestamista Hipotecario Diferentes tipos de financiamiento Como prepararse para ser un nuevo propietario Discusión del mercado hipotecario actual. Como se divide el pago mensual. El proceso para obtener el título de la propiedad Y mucho mas para …