Are you having trouble paying your mortgage? You may have options! There are programs that can help and you may qualify for up to $50,000 to assist with your mortgage.
Second Baptist Church Laymen's ministry presents a workshop on "How to Create Generational Black Wealth" Series #2 with panel speakers Allen Shelton of Realty One Group, Diana Dikes of ML …
Come and get certified with NHSSN for the WISH Down Payment Assistance Program! Learn about: Minimum Down with Maximum Match $$$ Owner Occupied 5 year Affordability Period No FICO Score …
Stop by to sip, share, and help build neighborhoods #BlockByBlock on March 21 at 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM. 15% of all food and beverage sales during this time will …
Todo lo que necesitas saber sobre el proceso de compra de viviendas: Como obtener una precalificación de un prestamista Hipotecario Diferentes tipos de financiamiento Como prepararse para ser un nuevo …