Our Impact
Our Impact

Our Timeline
North Las Vegas Housing Services Inc. was created through an initiative by the City of North Las Vegas local residents and Neighborhood Reinvestment Corporation that is now known as NeighborWorks America.
We formally changed our name to Neighborhood Housing Services of Southern Nevada, Inc (NHSSN) and expanded our services to all Southern Nevada residents.
NHSSN merged with Golden Rule; the first nonprofit to offer transitional housing in Southern Nevada. Through the merger NHSSN acquired Parsons Place, now known as The Betty-Jeanne, with 59 micro-units located in Downtown Las Vegas. NHSSN also acquired 820 Eastern Avenue which is the future home to 120 units of senior affordable housing.
2008 – current
When the housing crisis hit Southern Nevada, NHSSN began offering foreclosure prevention counseling, helping more than 1,400 households. At the same time, we administered down payment assistance using HOME and NSP Funds which allowed families to purchase in North Las Vegas, Clark County, and the City of Las Vegas.
2012 – 2015
Through collaboration, Wells Fargo and NeighborWorks helped NHSSN provide over $6.4 million in LIFT down payment assistance creating more than 500 new homeowners.
By partnering with the City of North Las Vegas we were able to rehabilitate two of our North Las Vegas properties and ‘green’ the properties by adding energy efficient elements.
2015 – 2018
Through a partnership with HomeAid of Southern Nevada, the nonprofit arm of the Nevada Homebuilders Association, our Calcaterra Community was rehabilitated. All six buildings with 42 units were rehabbed by KB Homes, Richmond American Homes, Century Community, Lennar, and Pulte Homes.
We Did It Again!Through collaboration, Wells Fargo and NeighborWorks helped NHSSN provide over $5 million in down payment assistance to more than 560 Southern Nevada families.During that time, NHSSN renovated the former Parsons Place now known as The Betty-Jeanne, resulting in 59 micro-units of affordable rentals being added to Downtown Las Vegas. |
Caesars Entertainment to the RESCUE!
NHSSN partnered with Caesars Entertainment as they upgraded their properties and donated their gently used furniture to nonprofits. NHSSN was able to leverage the donation and facilitate moving 32 tractor-trailers to help aid families and our partnering nonprofits in Houston who were impacted by Hurricane Harvey.
2019 – current
NHSSN partnered with the State of Nevada and hosted a Back to School Drive adopting Swainston Middle School in North Las Vegas. NHSSN was able to get over 500+ backpacks plus school supplies and hygiene items.
With the efforts of our Community Building and Engagement Committee we held our first event in the Historic Westside. Through partnerships we were able to provide nutritious food to the Community. We served a total of 13,271 individuals with food worth $140,976.
With revitalization in mind, we identified properties in the Historic Westside to start our Blight to Bright Initiative. We purchased two properties, a six unit apartment that will be dedicated to families that are at or below 80% area median income. With the help of the City of Las Vegas it is currently under rehab. When finished we will ensure that it is safe, habitable and beautiful for future renters. The other property will be focused on Development of affordable single family homes.
NHSSN was awarded $2m from the City of North Las Vegas to acquire, purchase and renovate 3+ bedroom homes for affordable rental for larger families. At the end of 2020, four families are living in the homes and we are actively looking to purchase three more.
NHSSN is ready to break ground on our first development project, 60-units of low-income senior housing in the City of Las Vegas.
Changing gears to Emergency Services
During the height of the pandemic in 2020, NHSSN assisted nearly 2,000 households by disbursing more than $3.9 million in emergency funding for rent, mortgage, utilities, and food through CARES Housing Assistance Program (CHAP) and employer-based employee emergency assistance funds.